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Cornel Slenters challenging Richard Dawkins on Atheism

Dear Richard Dawkins,

Why this message

The purpose of this message is to start a dialog on several fundamental issues following my recent visit to your `Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason and Science` website. The website advocates Atheism as the way to go. I am happy that we live in a period where people can express such an opinion without having to fear for their lives.

Atheism gives a sense of freedom, because it allows us to develop our own thoughts without interference by authority. I am also a freedom lover, in particular when it comes to developing my own thoughts. Hence we share a common motivation.

However, the website gives the impression of a ‘new religion in the making’ called Atheism. With fundraising, organization, a mission, a missionary and intolerance towards those who might have a different opinion. In particular, when it comes to claiming the high ground on reason.

Reason and science

Reason and science do not need to be limited by Atheism or Materialism or Physicalism. Yes, they have their place as policies and strategies, but when it comes to understanding the deeper nature of the universe we need approaches that start from a broader base.

Such a starting base should include the uncertainty that ‘there might be something else’ (higher intelligence, spiritual dimension?). Then apply logic and reason in the most diligent way possible, till one comes to an architecture of the universe. Then, if the initial uncertainty (higher intelligence, spiritual dimension?) turns out to be a mere appendix to the architecture, it can be dropped and a logical foundation for Atheism has been established.

However, that is not the way the cookie crumbles!

The process just describes is precisely what I undertook a number of years ago.

The results are known as the LOTA Philosophy of Science and Universe Grand Design.

The processes and results are described on website

In a nutshell, we live in a participative universe and it includes a dimension of higher intelligence.

Who is writing to you?

Names and titles are not important in this dialogue of reason. I am the person who deciphered the mystery behind the emergence of subjective consciousness (subjective experience).

The theory was first published in 1996, in my book Breakthrough. Subsequent years allowed me to work with these principles professionally (as a professor in the behavioral sciences), coach hundreds of students from all over the world and develop new applications.

This has moved now well beyond theory, at least for some.

I know from interviews that you consider the unraveling of the mystery around subjective consciousness as one of the major challenges in science; hence I hope to have your attention.

Challenge and dilemma

You could challenge my results and the link describes how this can be done. It requires a thorough understanding of the LOTA concepts and this will become a dilemma for you.

You will discover that every thought, every inspiration and every action follows the dynamics of consciousness as described in the LOTA Philosophy of Science. Consider it done. It is time to move forward and discuss the implications. The word will spread. After all: ignorance is not a discipline of science.

A way forward

I am not affiliated with any religious organization, yet I am aware of a dimension of higher intelligence that I can access without the need for any other authority. It allows me to be free in my thinking, yet apply rational scientific rigor when needed.

The discoveries of the LOTA Philosophy of Science pave the way for new explorations without loosing the freedom and independence of scientific enquiry.

I am available for dialog if you are interested.

With kind regards,

Cornel Slenters

January 2013

PS. Richard Dawkins was informed about the challenge prior to making it public.

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