Why LOTA sets a new standardBy Cornel SlentersPhilosophy of science A logical thought process aimed at creating an architectural framework about reality, based on unifying factors discovered through the sciences and other experiences. A good philosophy of science should provide indicators about the nature of reality which go beyond the current capabilities of individual science disciplines. A good philosophy of science has staying power, because it is reinforced by new discoveries. The question LOTA sets out to answer a most fundamental question: the origin of our minds. LOTA design strategy The design strategy is based on three vital pillars in good science, namely:
Next, all theories which do not use 'terminology from within the system' were discarded. Here is an example of 'terminology from within the system' and when it is violated: the term ‘energy’ has no meaning in the explanation of a theory unless ‘energy’ is explained entirely by the set of terms used within the theory. Many theories violate this rule and hidden assumptions are introduced as a result. (See 'Traps leading to the 'spaghetti effect') LOTA design stage 1 Start from zero assumptions. A suitable universal was selected, for which the choice was for ‘interactions’ (not bound by the 'space-time dynamic order'). Interaction patterns were studied by analyzing structures of knowledge. LOTA design stage 2 The development of various concepts, through logical reasoning, from these starting assumptions. This phase is rather similar to walking through a minefield, because hidden assumptions can easily slip in and the final result will blow up into fragments as a consequence. In the development of LOTA, a basic structure emerged, highly scalable, a geometric pattern, with loops and branches, first hints of self-organization through the looping interaction patterns. LOTA design stage 3 The first test of validation. The test is easy, yet passing it is not. This is the test: The concepts have to be uniquely referring to each other for explanations. The test has failed if additional elements are needed for explanations, because hidden assumptions will have been introduced. The design strategy requires then to start again at stage one and redo the process till a 100% exclusive interdependency of the concepts is achieved. LOTA does pass this test. LOTA design stage 4 This stage is rather like magic, yet also logical. When exclusive interdependency of the concepts is achieved (stage 3), the various relationships will enfold as cycles (loops). LOTA does pass this test. Stage 5 The ultimate test is when the entire universe appears to enfold as a giant cycle and the elements that make up the cycle are recognizable in our reality. LOTA has achieved all five stages. The giant cycle is described on the website Universe Grand Design This LOTA development process is described in Breakthrough, the Origins of Mind, Space and Time |
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